This blog originally appeared on the website of Democratic Audit on 20 June 2014 and was written in partnership with Jane Martin.
Strong democracies should be backed up by robust accountability
frameworks, an aspect of which includes redress mechanisms. In a new report published by Democratic Audit, Richard Kirkham and Jane Martin, the
Local Government Ombudsman, explores the current debates surrounding
the proposal to integrate the ombudsman community in England. In this
extract from the report they consider why the consensus in support
of this proposal has not yet produced agreement on the way forward.
Read our new report into the creation of a single Public Services Ombudsman for England
It is now widely understood that the austerity drive of the Coalition
Government has triggered a distinctive shift in the model of public
service provision in England. A significant aspect of this shift is the
hastening of a drift towards consumer democracy which, amongst other
impacts, has forced the ombudsman world to reconsider the strength of
the redress service that it provides. This reflective process has led to
the reappearance of the long-standing proposal to harmonise existing
ombudsman schemes into an integrated Public Services Ombudsman (PSO) for
At its strongest, the proposal to form an English PSO entails the
harmonisation of multiple schemes, plus the reconsideration of the
office’s powers. Given the potential scale of the project and its need
for new legislation, the formation of an English PSO should be
considered a major exercise in reform. By contrast, minimalist
approaches to ombudsman reform reduce the chances of meaningful reform
being implemented and run the risk of the ombudsman system being
restructured in a manner insufficiently robust or flexible enough to
meet the challenges of the future.
But major reforms require a high degree of political will to secure
implementation and are hampered by the lack of a clear process in the
administrative justice system as to how such projects should be
conducted. In response to this dilemma this paper highlights both the
reasons why major reform in the ombudsman sector is necessary, and the
different perspectives on administrative justice that should be
accounted for within that reform process. As well as outlining the key
features that should be included in a 21st century
ombudsman scheme, we conclude the paper by drawing together some
principles which should inform the creation of an integrated ombudsman
scheme. So long as sufficient political capital in the project can be
secured, combined these principles have the potential to align the
capacity of the ombudsman system with the public service model that has
evolved in modern England and in so doing allow it to contribute fully
to the promotion of administrative justice.
The long-standing problem of ombudsman reform in England
The basic argument for harmonisation is that the current design of
the English ombudsman sector is only explicable as the end product of an
uncoordinated set of historical events. The first ombudsman scheme in
the UK was introduced in 1967 with a limited jurisdiction and without
proper consideration of the option of a public sector wide ombudsman
scheme. This was followed, over time, by the introduction of new
ombudsman schemes in response to new pressures in different parts of the
public sector. Throughout this process little thought was ever given to
the overall structure of the administrative justice system, resulting
today in a network of multiple overlapping schemes which do not always
map onto the delivery of 21st century
public services in a comprehensible, efficient or possibly even
effective manner. To address this mismatch, the time has come to
redesign the structure of the ombudsman sector in England in a manner
that is appropriate for the way that public services are delivered today
and into the near future.
A number of subsidiary arguments for reform in the ombudsman sector
can also be identified, such as the unnecessary complexity that the
existing system presents users of ombudsman services and the potential
for the ombudsman enterprise to achieve more than it currently does.
Adopting these arguments, the list of proponents of reform of the
current structure of the ombudsman sector in England is a long one, and
includes a 2000 Cabinet Office report, many current and former ombudsmen
and most recently a Parliamentary select committee inquiry. Moreover,
the solution to the problem most often advocated is the unified
ombudsman model, as has been introduced in Scotland and Wales and is
planned in Northern Ireland. Other countries too tend to favour a
general purpose ombudsman over the specialised ombudsman model, which is
dominant in England.
But despite the degree of support for the harmonisation plans, reform
of the network of ombudsman schemes in England has proved elusive for
some considerable time. A major barrier to reform has always been the
need for cross-cutting legislation, as the nature of the underlying
problems in the English Ombudsman sector is that they can only be fully
addressed by an initiative that moves beyond incremental efforts to
amend or tinker with existing legislative schemes. But the challenge of
coordinating such a wide-ranging reform initiative is a ‘wicked’
problem, in which most of the key stakeholders recognise the merits of
change but there exists a lack of coordinated energy to drive the agenda
forward. A key difficulty is the disparate oversight of the ombudsman
sector in government and Parliament. Partly as a result, even when
momentum has been created in the past, a myriad of conflicting concerns
about the proposal have arisen to provide strong incentives for one or
more parties to disengage from the process.
But with the Coalition Government looking for legislation to fill its
final year in office, 2014/15 might represent the best opportunity in a
generation to implement change in the ombudsman sector. Despite the
difficulties, therefore, in this paper we consider what a fully rounded
approach to thinking about ombudsman reform would look like.
Channelling thinking on administrative justice
The starting premise for undertaking reform in the ombudsman sector
should be that the ombudsman is designed with the core objective of
contributing to the delivery of administrative justice. Although an
uncontroversial premise, the challenge in choosing the goal of
administrative justice as the launch pad for redress design is that the
concept is short of substantive meaning. Thus the public may expect
‘justice’ to be delivered by public sector providers, but it is
improbable that a theory could be devised that could explain the
substantive meaning of administrative justice in every instance of
administrative decision-making. Instead, the idea of administrative
justice captures a wide variety of competing values and aspirations,
about which there will always be contested interpretations of fact and
policy viewpoints at play, and limitations on the resource capacity of
administrative agents to deliver.
In response to this apparent relativity of values, administrative
justice is ordinarily understood to be upheld through an extended series
of procedural protections which aim to ensure that all relevant
interests are properly factored into decision-making. But there is no
single procedural model of administrative justice. Thus there are
different processes for overseeing the manner in which laws and rules
are made; administrative discretion is exercised; citizens acknowledge
or resist those decisions; and the veracity of those decisions are
checked, reviewed, amended and verified. What, therefore, can the goal
of administrative justice tell us about how the ombudsman sector should
be reformed?
In this new report we offer three interlinked accounts of the driving
forces behind the processes by which administrative justice is
delivered and which in turn should underpin initiatives to reform the
ombudsman system in England.
Note: This post and the full report represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily give the position of Democratic Audit or the LSE. Please read our comments policy before responding.
Richard Kirkham is
a Senior Lecturer in the School of Law at the University of Sheffield,
and director of the Centre for the Study of Law in Society. Previously
he worked at the Audit Commission, and is the co-author of the book The Ombudsman Enterprise and Administrative Justice (Ashgate, 2010).
Jane Martin is
the Local Government Ombudsman and Chair of the Commission for Local
Administration in England. She was appointed as ombudsman in January
2012. Previously she was director of the Centre for Public Scrutiny,
deputy chief executive of the Local Better Regulation Office and an
academic at the University of Birmingham and Warwick Business School.
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